Commissioned Training

“This training met our specific needs and had relevance and resonance for our PAs. It was a very positive experience that has brought positive changes for CIL staff and for our service users. We had some great feedback from our PAs, with many reporting a sense of being listened to and valued. They welcomed the opportunity to come together in such a supportive shared learning experience to discuss issues and hear of each other’s experiences.”
Pat Beirne
General Manager, Cork CIL.

Let us help you to embed a relationship-centred approach in your organisation.

We work in partnership with you to tailor our evidence-informed ABLE training courses to meet your needs and sector.

Our courses are facilitated by two licensed trainers who work sensitively with your teams to maximise learning outcomes.

Like all of our courses, evaluation is via qualitative and quantitative feedback, with pre- and post-course questionnaires completed by all participants.

We deliver our commissioned courses virtually or at our head office in Cork or a venue of your choice.

Building relationships and maintaining professional boundaries.

A one-day ABLE workshop for personal care assistants.

We designed this one-day ABLE workshop for Centres of Independent Living (CIL) to support their Personal Assistants (PAs) in managing their time and boundaries while nurturing quality relationships with clients.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Use reflective capacity to build responsive relationships with service users
  • Be more confident and skilled in using the brief intervention model ABLE to establish a good working relationship and manage boundaries
  • Identify and work with situations when boundaries and expectations need redefining and clarified

Participants came away from the training with increased awareness about what their personal boundaries might be and felt empowered to reinforce boundaries with their clients.


3 Day ABLE Training to support audiologists in building relationships and managing boundaries

Working closely with our client who commissioned this course, we tailored the content of our core ABLE brief intervention training for a team of audiologists.

The aim of the training is to support audiologists in building relationships with clients and to help them to manage boundaries of time, role and competence.

This course is recognised for 16.5 CPD points for members of Irish Academy of Audiology who can apply for CPD points on an individual basis.

Learning Aims & Outcomes:

  • Identify situations from audiology practice when communication may be difficult
  • Reflect on and evaluate the factors which help to create and build a working relationship with parents and other service users
  • Be more reflective and aware of their own response and classify the skills necessary to build rapport and manage boundaries using the ABLE model
  • Understand the Theory of Transactional Analysis and consider its use as a model of understanding communication
  • Share insight into Infant Mental Health and Attachment Theory to help audiologists in listening to and supporting service users
  • Outline and demonstrate the skills of ABLE, building rapport and trust, listening reflectively and empowering the service user to participate in decisions and plans